They say HOME is where the heart is...
That's funny to me, because I don't know where my heart is...
So do I not have a HOME?
Am I HOMEless?
Does my heart walk the streets like a beggar asking for CHANGE from others?
I can hear my hearts pathetic pleas now, "Just looking for a little CHANGE so I can get HOME"
How pitiful an existence.
I can see my hearts tattered clothes that are worn, torn, and in poor condition because of all the troubles it's been through.
Having been abused by those before that dangled CHANGE in it's face, then snatched it away.
I see the utter determination in my heart, to just get some CHANGE so it can just get HOME!
With as much time as my heart has wasted looking for CHANGE you would think it would just give up regretfully and walked HOME.
But my heart is lost.
And can't find it's way HOME,
HOME beckons my heart from distances it can't gauge.
Like ventriloquism HOME keeps throwing its voice.
So my heart doesn't know if HOME is close at hand, or beyond the distant horizon.
My heart just knows that CHANGE can help it get HOME.
Doesn't take much CHANGE, very little actually.
But sometimes the littlest things in life are the hardest to find.
This CHANGE is like finding a needle in a stack of haystacks.
I can feel my hearts deepest desires, it's silent cries.
It carries this sign.
In it's hands, "Will work for CHANGE"
And it means it.
My heart will work itself to the bone for payment of just some measly CHANGE.
It will cherish that CHANGE as it makes it's way finally HOME.
My heart has always held the key to it's HOME.
Just can't get there with no CHANGE.
my heart whispers, "I'm going to make it HOME"
And I believe it wholeHEARTedly.
Find us a HOME.
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